Book review: “Seduced by His Touch”

This is the second book in “The Byrons of Braebourne” series (to which “Wicked Delights of a Bridal Bed” also belongs), and also the second book by Tracy Anne Warren that I read. After this one, I must say I’m officially a fan of this author.

“Seduced By His Touch” is a sweet and sometimes emotional historical romance novel that I found immensely enjoyable. The story is not new, almost cliché: a nobleman, indebted to a commoner, must marry the daughter of this commoner in order to be free of his debts and gain more money. What first started out as a seduction game played solely for the money slowly turned into a marriage of love and affection. But this love was put through many tests to finally prevail.

Photo source: Look at this gorgeous cover, isn’t it sexy? ^^

While the idea for this book is cliché, I compliment the author on the way she told the story, which was smooth, comprehensible, and emotional at times. The story of Lord Jack Byron and Miss Grace Danvers really plucked at my heartstrings, especially towards the end, creating a satisfying and memorable reading experience that I totally cherished. 

However, I must say there also were certain things in the story that I didn’t completely enjoy. For example, there were parts that I wish hadn’t been that short and abrupt, while others I wish hadn’t been dragged on for too long (to be honest, this book has 29 chapters compared to just 22 or 23 chapters like other historical romance novels that I’ve read, so brace yourself). Nevertheless, “Seduced By His Touch” was still a lovely read for those who love the historical romance genre like myself, and I recommend it if you are in the mood for this type of story.

Final verdict: 8.5/10

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