Book review: “Claimed by Cupid”

This is the continuation of the smutty and scorching hot love story between Nick and Holly in “Dipped in Holly”, and I must say it is equally satisfying to read. The story started with Nick and Holly celebrating New Year’s Eve together at Nick’s bar, then moving on to the main events of the novella, which took place on Valentine’s Day.

Nick decided to take Holly to a fancy restaurant for date, but with a naughty twist – he put a vibrator in Holly’s vagina (with her consent, of course) while he controlled the function of this sex toy via an app in his phone as a way to add a sexy, sensual, and wild side to their date. To be honest, the idea of going out in the public with a sex toy in my vagina is not appealing to me, but somehow the author still made it work with Holly. The way she described, in minute details, the physical changes in Holly’s body following Nick’s control of the toy was so deliciously erotic to read. And the fact that Holly had an orgasm right at her seat in the restaurant, leaving behind a wet spot after the carnal pleasure came crashing through her, was both obscene and lustful. And I loved it.

Then the two came back to Nick’s bedroom for another erotic time, when Holly was dressed up as a high school girl. Role play is nothing new in sex, so I was not surprised at how Nick’s desire to possess Holly became evident the moment he saw Holly in that costume. Just as the previous novella, expect loads of sex from these horny characters. But sex was not the only thing in “Claimed by Cupid”, as this novella took on a more serious tone than the first one, matching a more serious development in Nick and Holly’s relationship.

I loved how Nick observed and remembered everything Holly told him, even the small details such as she disliked strawberries because they are sour, so the ideal fruits to be dipped in chocolate for her should be apples. It showed how much Nick cared about Holly as person that he was having a sexual relationship with, and what existed between them went beyond just purely sex and lust. As the story progressed, Nick and Holly’s relationship reached a new level, as they officially saw each other as lovers, and Nick asked Holly to move in with him, which she gladly accepted, with the idea of marriage lingering in her mind. 

The Epilogue promised further development in Nick and Holly’s story, which I would love to be able to read soon, since Nick was going to make Holly’s dream come true. We’ll see how Holly will react to what Nick has in store for her, and how these two will take things up a notch as Nick no longer wants to take things slowly. I seriously can’t wait!

Final verdict: 9/10

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