About Me

Hello world!

I have always been a die-hard bookworm my entire life. I often write reviews for most of the books that I read, and with that, writing has also entered and become a part of my life. So you can find lots of book reviews that I write here on my blog, along with some beautiful quotes that I resonate with and collect along the way.

Writing is essential to my existence, just like reading. It is in my DNA, and it defines who I am as a person. Writing is how I untangle all the knots and messes in my brain and let my emotions out. It is also how I help myself heal the wounds in my heart, let go of my fears and my ghosts, and soothe my soul. In short, I’m not much of a talker, but a writer. This blog is dedicated to this part of me that I have always cherished, and this is how I connect to my roots.

Personality type: INTJ (could sometimes turn into INFJ :D)

Born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and currently living here.

A bit of my birth chart:

Sun in Leo
Moon in Aquarius
Ascendant in Virgo

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