Book review: “Just One Kiss”

I had high hopes coming to this book, but sadly, it never turned out to be as good as I expected. The first few chapters seemed promising. The warm feeling of Fool’s Gold town- the setting of the story – wrapped around me like a blanket on a cold autumn day. But then, everything startedContinue reading “Book review: “Just One Kiss””

Book review: “Diamond Bay”

Kell Sabin – a secret agent – was wounded and stranded on the beach of Diamond Bay after a failed assassination attempt. Rachel Jones – an ex-investigative journalist living on Diamond Bay, her childhood home – ran into the wounded Kell Sabin and took him in to take care of him. This chance encounter putContinue reading “Book review: “Diamond Bay””

Book review: “Claimed by Cupid”

This is the continuation of the smutty and scorching hot love story between Nick and Holly in “Dipped in Holly”, and I must say it is equally satisfying to read. The story started with Nick and Holly celebrating New Year’s Eve together at Nick’s bar, then moving on to the main events of the novella,Continue reading “Book review: “Claimed by Cupid””

Book review: “Dipped in Holly”

Holy moly! What a sexy, steamy, smutty, and overwhelmingly sensual novella! After reading the first chapter, I realized I should have read this story during Christmas, which would make my reading experience ten times better. But anyway, “Dipped in Holly” is still a sexually engaging read that made my heart beat fast and sent meContinue reading “Book review: “Dipped in Holly””

Book review: “My Evil Mother: A Short Story”

This is undoubtedly the first ever short story by Margaret Atwood that I read, and I was totally captivated. There is always something about Atwood’s writing that makes her works very enthralling, despite how seemingly normal the topic is. Although I must say this short story is nowhere near the level that some of herContinue reading “Book review: “My Evil Mother: A Short Story””

Book review: “The Shape of Water”

“The Shape of Water” is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I cannot stress enough how deserving it was of the Academic Awards for Best Picture. Therefore, when I knew that this gorgeously haunting and heartbreaking love story was adapted into a novel, I immediately realized that I needed to read it at someContinue reading “Book review: “The Shape of Water””

Book review: “The Waves”

This book captivated me from beginning to end. I had read Virginia Woolf’s most famous novel “To The Lighthouse” before, but it was not a delightful experience. I came to dislike her signature “stream of consciousness” storytelling, as well as the story itself. But “The Waves” is a whole new level of storytelling; it reintroducedContinue reading “Book review: “The Waves””

Book review: “A Perfect Cornish Summer”

What’s better way to enjoy a summer in lockdown than to experience the summer in faraway land, such as Cornwall, with this book? With the surges in COVID-19 cases in Vietnam (where I live) and the prolonged lockdown period, I needed something to stimulate me, to transport me to a place where the pandemic couldn’tContinue reading “Book review: “A Perfect Cornish Summer””

Book review: “And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer”

This novella, in many ways, bears the signature style of Fredrik Backman when it comes to storytelling. This is a story about the human condition as we grow old, when our mind is not the same as when we were young. It is also about the connection between people of different generations within the sameContinue reading “Book review: “And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer””

Book review: “The Time Traveler’s Wife”

I had watched the movie based on “The Time Traveler’s Wife” novel before I read the book, which helped me a lot in understanding the concept of the story. However, I must say the movie didn’t prepare me for the whole lot of emotions that was presented in this beautiful and heart-wrenching love story. TheContinue reading “Book review: “The Time Traveler’s Wife””

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