Book review: “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”

This controversial novel wowed me and enthralled me at the same time. Having been banned from the moment it was published due to its perceived obscenity and direct portrayal of sexual intimacy, “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”, to me, is still a thought-provoking and sensual novel that explores far beyond sex and into the psyche of itsContinue reading “Book review: “Lady Chatterley’s Lover””

Book review: “The Dark Between Stars”

Once again, Atticus Poetry really wowed me with this collection of poems. Having known this poet, who became an Internet sensation, from his other collection of poems “Love Her Wild”, I immediately realized that I had to read this  In “The Dark Between Stars”, Atticus continued to talk about a lot of familiar topics throughContinue reading “Book review: “The Dark Between Stars””

Book review: “Love Her Wild”

This weekend, I treated myself to another beautiful collection of poems. I found out about Atticus Poetry when scrolling randomly over some websites, looking for some great quotes for my posts on Instagram. And God helps me, his poems are so breathtakingly gorgeous. I know this collection of poems is not everyone’s cup of tea,Continue reading “Book review: “Love Her Wild””

Book review: “Here The Whole Time”

“It was ridiculous how hard I had fallen for Caio. But he’s way out of my league. It’s like being in love with the lead singer of your favorite boy band: All you can do is watch from afar and dream.” Felipe is a Brazilian fat gay teenage boy living in an apartment with hisContinue reading “Book review: “Here The Whole Time””

Book review: “Tarot Cards”

As someone who has recently started her journey into tarot card reading, I was so glad that I found this book. After drawing some cards for myself and holding some tarot card reading sessions for my colleagues, I have realized the beauty and marvel of tarot card reading. This beauty and marvel can be summedContinue reading “Book review: “Tarot Cards””

Book review: “Out of the Easy”

This book is a slow-burn. It didn’t grow on me right from the start like Ruta Sepetys’ other novels that I read before, which are “Between Shades of Gray” and “Salt to the Sea”. However, the more I read it, the more I rooted for Josie Moraine, the more I cared about her and herContinue reading “Book review: “Out of the Easy””

Book review: “My Life Next Door”

Reading sweet, cutesy Young Adult romance novels is always one of my favorite things to do, so picking up this captivating book and reading it was a no-brainer to me.  And “My Life Next Door” just kept getting better the more I read it, so what more can I say? This review is going toContinue reading “Book review: “My Life Next Door””

Book review: “Just One Kiss”

I had high hopes coming to this book, but sadly, it never turned out to be as good as I expected. The first few chapters seemed promising. The warm feeling of Fool’s Gold town- the setting of the story – wrapped around me like a blanket on a cold autumn day. But then, everything startedContinue reading “Book review: “Just One Kiss””

Book review: “Diamond Bay”

Kell Sabin – a secret agent – was wounded and stranded on the beach of Diamond Bay after a failed assassination attempt. Rachel Jones – an ex-investigative journalist living on Diamond Bay, her childhood home – ran into the wounded Kell Sabin and took him in to take care of him. This chance encounter putContinue reading “Book review: “Diamond Bay””

Book review: “Claimed by Cupid”

This is the continuation of the smutty and scorching hot love story between Nick and Holly in “Dipped in Holly”, and I must say it is equally satisfying to read. The story started with Nick and Holly celebrating New Year’s Eve together at Nick’s bar, then moving on to the main events of the novella,Continue reading “Book review: “Claimed by Cupid””

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