Book review: “Out of the Easy”

This book is a slow-burn. It didn’t grow on me right from the start like Ruta Sepetys’ other novels that I read before, which are “Between Shades of Gray” and “Salt to the Sea”. However, the more I read it, the more I rooted for Josie Moraine, the more I cared about her and herContinue reading “Book review: “Out of the Easy””

Book review: “The Shape of Water”

“The Shape of Water” is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I cannot stress enough how deserving it was of the Academic Awards for Best Picture. Therefore, when I knew that this gorgeously haunting and heartbreaking love story was adapted into a novel, I immediately realized that I needed to read it at someContinue reading “Book review: “The Shape of Water””

Book review: “Memoirs of a Geisha”

I had watched the movie adaptation of “Memoirs of a Geisha” prior to reading the book, and I was absolutely in love with the movie. That is why I did expect a lot when it came to reading the source material, since it was a way for me to experience the story once again, thisContinue reading “Book review: “Memoirs of a Geisha””

Book review: “Number the Stars”

This book is short and simple; it doesn’t have many exciting details or mind-blowing twists in how the story progressed. Overall, it’s a typical Holocaust story. But somehow, in that simplicity and familiarity, Lois Lowry could still create such a captivating, suspenseful, and heart-wrenching tale of bravery, friendship, and humanity, set in Denmark during theContinue reading “Book review: “Number the Stars””

Book review: “The God of Small Things”

My first impression when reading the first paragraphs of the first chapter in this book was awe – I couldn’t believe how many English words Arundhati Roy knew, and the dexterous and delicate way in which she made use of those words to bring about the beautiful prose for the story. Storyline aside, “The GodContinue reading “Book review: “The God of Small Things””

Book review: “Water for Elephants”

This book is absolutely beautiful and quite an interesting read. I had watched the movie based on this book before, so I had a really high expectation when it finally came to reading it. And “Water for Elephants” certainly did not disappoint me. I loved how the story in the book was told in aContinue reading “Book review: “Water for Elephants””

Book review: “Five Quarters of the Orange”

I never thought I would like this book this much, since it turned out to be nothing like I had expected before reading it. But then, the way in which Ms. Joanne Harris wrote the story really captivated me. Who could think that children like Framboise and her siblings were such vicious kids? This realizationContinue reading “Book review: “Five Quarters of the Orange””

Book review: “The Shadow of the Wind”

To start this review, I must say I love everything about this book! This is certainly one of the best historical fiction books I have ever read. The main story of “The Shadow of the Wind” was the journey to find out the true story behind the writer named Julian Carax, whose books have beenContinue reading “Book review: “The Shadow of the Wind””

Book review: “A Thousand Splendid Suns”

I cried many times reading this book. What a beautiful, touching, mesmerizing, heartbroken, and unforgettable reading experience. The next time someone asks me how “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is, I’ll definitely say A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, because that is how the book is.  And I think readers like me who have marveled at the wonder that is thisContinue reading “Book review: “A Thousand Splendid Suns””

Book review: “Wait For Me”

I was in a frenzy of wanting to read books about World War II, and upon knowing that “Wait For Me” would bring me both a World War II setting and a blossoming romance of two young adults (I’m a big fan of romance novels), I just couldn’t pass it by. To be honest, theContinue reading “Book review: “Wait For Me””

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