Book review: “The Haunting of Hill House”

The first half of this novel was really good. I loved how Shirley Jackson described Hillsdale and especially Hill House in a weird and wicked way to evoke a sense of scariness for readers. The story surrounding the tragic lives of those who were attached to or had lived in Hill House was so captivating.Continue reading “Book review: “The Haunting of Hill House””

Book review: “The Raven and Other Tales”

This collection of 20 poems and tales from the master of horror Edgar Allan Poe is definitely the ideal read for Halloween! I have read many tales in this collection before, including Poe’s famous stories “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Pit and the Pendulum”, “The Black Cat”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “The MasqueContinue reading “Book review: “The Raven and Other Tales””

Book review: “We Have Always Lived in the Castle”

I may be in the minority here, but I found this book anticlimactic and almost plotless. I came to this so-called masterpiece of Shirley Jackson – also hailed as one of the best authors in the horror genre, hoping to get a major plot twist or some revelations that could turn my brain inside out,Continue reading “Book review: “We Have Always Lived in the Castle””

Book review: “The Woman in Black”

I watched the movie of the same name which was based on this book a long time ago, so I don’t remember many details, except for the fact that the ending was truly a terrifying one (spoiler alert: the evil spirit could never be destroyed and it kept haunting forever). Lucky for me, that forgetfulnessContinue reading “Book review: “The Woman in Black””

Book review: “Snow, Glass, Apples”

Who doesn’t love a flipped fairy tale? In this short but memorably terrifying story, Neil Gaiman re-imagined the beloved “Snow White” fairy tale from the point of view of the Evil Queen, with some certain twists. What if there was a reason for what the Evil Queen did to Snow White? What if the oneContinue reading “Book review: “Snow, Glass, Apples””

Book review: “Selected Stories by Edgar Allan Poe “

What a terrifying, bone-chilling and spine-tingling journey into the darkest pit of horror with the master of this genre, Edgar Allan Poe! I’ve known him and his stories ever since I read their retold versions in Oxford Bookworms Library, and I was so thrilled to read the original versions of “The Fall of the HouseContinue reading “Book review: “Selected Stories by Edgar Allan Poe “”

Book review: “Through The Woods”

“I married my love in the springtime,but by summer he’d locked me away.He’d murdered me dead by the autumn,& by winter I was naught but decay. It’s cold where I am and so lonely,but in loneliness I will remain.Unloved, unavenged, & forgotten,until I am whole once again.” What a terrifying collection of short horror graphicContinue reading “Book review: “Through The Woods””

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