Book review: “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” is an absolutely amazing novel! It feels like all the essence of Latin American magical realism accumulated in this famed work of one of my all-time favorite authors – Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Despite featuring a complicated set of related characters across multiple generations, “One Hundred Years of Solitude” still managedContinue reading “Book review: “One Hundred Years of Solitude””

Book review: “The God of Small Things”

My first impression when reading the first paragraphs of the first chapter in this book was awe – I couldn’t believe how many English words Arundhati Roy knew, and the dexterous and delicate way in which she made use of those words to bring about the beautiful prose for the story. Storyline aside, “The GodContinue reading “Book review: “The God of Small Things””

Book review: “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”

I’ve known this short story by the Russian author Nikolai Leskov since I watched the trailer for the movie “Lady Macbeth” that was based on the book. The trailer caught my attention right away, so I knew I had to read the book as soon as I could before seeing the movie (which was releasedContinue reading “Book review: “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk””

Book review: “The Easter Parade”

I was captivated by this book from the first page, and to me, going through just over 300 pages that wraps up the lives of two sisters and their tragedies was definitely a really memorable experience. In this book, we follow the stories of two sisters, Sarah and Emily – whose parents’ divorce had suchContinue reading “Book review: “The Easter Parade””

Book review: “Too Loud A Solitude”

Beautiful prose. Eccentric but uniquely captivating story. What more could you ask for? Reading this short novel, to me, felt like I was listening to a piece of wonderful piano music. Everything flowed so smoothly and poetically, with a little bit of humor along the way. The main character, Hanta, who worked in a cellarContinue reading “Book review: “Too Loud A Solitude””

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