Book review: “Dark Places”

To be honest, I did read “Gone Girl” first before coming to this novel, and I must say that I did expect “Dark Places” to have the same unique story-telling style that I fell in love with in “Gone Girl”. This style consists of built-up tension with lots of plot twists and unexpected turns; AlfredContinue reading “Book review: “Dark Places””

Book review: “The Westing Game”

This book is weirdly great. It’s a type of detective/mystery book that I have never read before. “The Westing Game” is about a group of 16 so-called heirs of Samuel Westing, summoned by him to participate in his carefully devised “The Westing Game”.  The purpose of the game was to win the biggest prize, whichContinue reading “Book review: “The Westing Game””

Book review: “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”

I’ve known this short story by the Russian author Nikolai Leskov since I watched the trailer for the movie “Lady Macbeth” that was based on the book. The trailer caught my attention right away, so I knew I had to read the book as soon as I could before seeing the movie (which was releasedContinue reading “Book review: “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk””

Book review: “Gone Girl”

Holy moly! This book is freaking mind-blowing! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Probably one of the best thriller books I have ever read, and clearly deserves all the hype it gets! I immensely enjoyed the chilling, creepy, scary, and haunting feeling the story gave me. I finished reading the book last night and just couldn’t stop thinking about it,Continue reading “Book review: “Gone Girl””

Book review: “The Shadow of the Wind”

To start this review, I must say I love everything about this book! This is certainly one of the best historical fiction books I have ever read. The main story of “The Shadow of the Wind” was the journey to find out the true story behind the writer named Julian Carax, whose books have beenContinue reading “Book review: “The Shadow of the Wind””

Book review: “Double Indemnity”

“I had killed a man, for money and a woman. I didn’t have the money and I didn’t have the woman. The woman was a killer, out-and-out, and she had made a fool of me. She had used me for a cat’s paw so she could have another man, and she had enough on meContinue reading “Book review: “Double Indemnity””

Book review: “A Fatal Grace”

“Murder was deeply human, the murdered and the murderer. To describe the murderer as a monstrosity, a grotesque, was to give him an unfair advantage. No. Murderers were human, and at the root of each murder was an emotion. Warped, no doubt. Twisted and ugly. But an emotion. And one so powerful it had drivenContinue reading “Book review: “A Fatal Grace””

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