Book review: “The Shape of Water”

“The Shape of Water” is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I cannot stress enough how deserving it was of the Academic Awards for Best Picture. Therefore, when I knew that this gorgeously haunting and heartbreaking love story was adapted into a novel, I immediately realized that I needed to read it at someContinue reading “Book review: “The Shape of Water””

Book review: “Anna Dressed in Blood”

This is the first book about ghosts in the paranormal genre that I read, and it was pretty awesome. Contrary to what I thought before reading it, the gore and terror in this book really didn’t scare me at all. However, the way the author used her knowledge about black magic, witchcraft, and other detailsContinue reading “Book review: “Anna Dressed in Blood””

Book review: “A Discovery of Witches”

From the first moment I read the first page of “A Discovery of Witches”, I immediately knew that it was going to be great, and it was. I was impressed by the way the author used a lot of knowledge in Biology, History, and Literature to explain the mythical lores that readers often see inContinue reading “Book review: “A Discovery of Witches””

Book review: “Blood and Chocolate”

I bought this book at a book fair with a discounted price, and it shocked me a little bit to know that the book was written a long time ago – in 1997, when I was just 4 years old. I was shocked because paranormal romance novels recently have been mostly about a male supernaturalContinue reading “Book review: “Blood and Chocolate””

Book review: “Wake Unto Me”

I came to this book expecting a haunting love story. Instead, I got a bizarre journey to find a long lost treasure and a girl’s soul traveling through time. How ridiculous does that sound? The description of this book didn’t truly reflect what the book is about, and I blame whoever wrote this description. AndContinue reading “Book review: “Wake Unto Me””

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