Book review: “Bring Me Home for Christmas”

I have known the “Virgin River” book series for quite a long time, but didn’t manage to read any book in this series until this one. “Bring Me Home for Christmas” is book 17 in the series, but it is my first opportunity to dive into the world of the famous fictional small town thatContinue reading “Book review: “Bring Me Home for Christmas””

Book review: “The Sun Is Also a Star”

This book had been on my TBR shelf since forever, even before I finished reading “Everything, Everything” – another bestseller by the same author. Upon knowing that there would be a movie based on “The Sun Is Also a Star”, I knew that it was about time to read it. And I did. And itContinue reading “Book review: “The Sun Is Also a Star””

Book review: “The Time Traveler’s Wife”

I had watched the movie based on “The Time Traveler’s Wife” novel before I read the book, which helped me a lot in understanding the concept of the story. However, I must say the movie didn’t prepare me for the whole lot of emotions that was presented in this beautiful and heart-wrenching love story. TheContinue reading “Book review: “The Time Traveler’s Wife””

Book review: “One Day”

[This review contains spoilers. Please read it at your own discretion.] I can’t believe it only took me 3 days to finish reading this 448-page book! I have always been fascinated and amazed by romance novels which tell love stories that spanned many years in the lives of the main characters – books like “WhereContinue reading “Book review: “One Day””

Book review: “A Loving Scoundrel”

This historical romance novel which is seemingly based on the “Pygmalion” theme was very captivating from the beginning to end. When the 25-year-old and utterly handsome Jeremy Mallory found Danny in a London slumdog and asked “him” to steal two ancient rings back for his friend, he was immediately captivated by Danny’s beauty – aContinue reading “Book review: “A Loving Scoundrel””

Book review: “Flowers from the Storm”

This is one of the most beautiful, amazing, inspirational, and heartwarming historical romance novels I have ever read! This book isn’t just about romance; it’s also the journey to arrive at happiness, the process of finding the true human being inside each of the two main characters. The story began with the Duke of JervaulxContinue reading “Book review: “Flowers from the Storm””

Book review: “Moonlight Over Manhattan”

I came to this book expecting a cute, swoon-worthy romance story (look at the beautiful cover, who doesn’t expect some kind of cuteness? ^^), but the novel turned out to be completely different from what I expected. And I couldn’t be happier. Because what Sarah Morgan created in this book is so real; it matchesContinue reading “Book review: “Moonlight Over Manhattan””

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