Book review: “Eleanor & Park”

This is a really bizarre but interesting book about teenage romance. I did expect it to be better than it was, and did hope to get more feelings out of it. However, “Eleanor & Park” was still an enjoyable read for anyone who’s looking for a strange teenage love story that doesn’t follow the usualContinue reading “Book review: “Eleanor & Park””

Book review: “Seven Daughters and Seven Sons”

What a captivating and empowering story for young girls and women! This book is based on a popular folktale in Iraq from the 11th century, telling the story of Buran – her father’s fourth daughter among his seven daughters. We all know that at that time, the fact that a man only had daughters wouldContinue reading “Book review: “Seven Daughters and Seven Sons””

Book review: “Ella Enchanted”

I really enjoyed this retold version of “Cinderella”. In this version, the protagonist – Ella – was gifted, or rather cursed, with the curse of obedience from a well-meant but totally unthoughtful fairy. This meant that she must always do whatever other people ordered her to do. She couldn’t fight back or have any sayContinue reading “Book review: “Ella Enchanted””

Book review: “Number the Stars”

This book is short and simple; it doesn’t have many exciting details or mind-blowing twists in how the story progressed. Overall, it’s a typical Holocaust story. But somehow, in that simplicity and familiarity, Lois Lowry could still create such a captivating, suspenseful, and heart-wrenching tale of bravery, friendship, and humanity, set in Denmark during theContinue reading “Book review: “Number the Stars””

Book review: “The Giver”

I didn’t know that this less-than-200-page book could take me a little bit longer than I had expected to finish reading, and could make such an impact on me. But it did. Lois Lowry is such a genius when she created such a seemingly normal, orderly, and perfect world. But as the story went on,Continue reading “Book review: “The Giver””

Book review: “The Black Key”

Note: This is my review for Book 3 of “The Lone City” series. I also wrote reviews for Book 1 and Book 2. I knew the final installment of “The Lone City” would be epic, but I never thought I would enjoy it so much. I know there are so many flaws in this bookContinue reading “Book review: “The Black Key””

Book review: “The White Rose”

Note: This is my review for Book 2 of “The Lone City” series. I also wrote reviews for Book 1 and Book 3. To me, this is such a worthy sequel to what the first book – “The Jewel” – builds up for readers. If you prefer the gritty and dark tone of the firstContinue reading “Book review: “The White Rose””

Book review: “The Jewel”

Note: This is my review for Book 1 of “The Lone City” series. I also wrote reviews for Book 2 and Book 3. I never thought I would enjoy this book this much, especially after reading the first few chapters that were just OK. But the more I read the book, the more I fellContinue reading “Book review: “The Jewel””

Book review: “Perfect Chemistry”

I know this book was based on a completely cliché trope that many authors have used in many other romance novels for young adults: good girl falls in love with bad guy. And at first, I must admit that I didn’t plan to read this book when I considered this overused plot. But my “hopelessContinue reading “Book review: “Perfect Chemistry””

Book review: “Blood and Chocolate”

I bought this book at a book fair with a discounted price, and it shocked me a little bit to know that the book was written a long time ago – in 1997, when I was just 4 years old. I was shocked because paranormal romance novels recently have been mostly about a male supernaturalContinue reading “Book review: “Blood and Chocolate””

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