Book review: “My Heart and Other Black Holes”

This book is hard to read, not because of the author’s usage of words or the way the author tells the story, but because it is so dark, at least at the beginning. Both our main characters have to deal with a lot of emotional and mental issues that drive them to make a suicideContinue reading “Book review: “My Heart and Other Black Holes””

Book review: “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu

“MOXIE GIRLS FIGHT BACK.” Gosh, reading this book really makes me want to join the fight and demolish the patriarchy!!! But first, let me introduce you to the Dedication of “Moxie”, because to me, this is the best Dedication that I have ever read in any books, and I have been a bookworm all myContinue reading “Book review: “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu”

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